Wednesday, November 28, 2007

First Payment Due December 1st

Remember that the first installment of Real fees is due on or before Dec. 1 which is this Saturday. If payments aren’t received by this date, a $25 late fee will be attached to the account.
In order to make payment, players must first be registered for the Spring 08 season.

To register, go to and enter your username and password.
· Select “Browse Programs” on the left side of the page.
· Select your player’s age group under the Competitive Column, and go through the registration process.
· Please be sure to check the boxes and if necessary, fill in 5555555555 as the player’s cell phone no. (even though it says U15 and above, it seems some people still have to fill it in).
· At the end of the process, select the fees for the team level your child plays.

You can then make payment with your credit card at the end.
· The minimum payment for the first deadline is $300.
· If you are going to pay in full, BE SURE TO SELECT THE PAY IN FULL OPTION AT THE BOTTOM OF THE LIST, otherwise you will be charged the $15 admin fee.
· If you are wanting to bring in a check to the office, it has to be here by Sat., 12/1.

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